Dr. Alfred Byrd Graf
ideal book for the horticulturist or professional designer. The
small format but large content of 1200 photographs with complete
care requirements makes this book the essential desktop tool for
the serious plant fancier or business person. Its attractive price
also makes it possible to have several copies for office
and briefcase. In addition to photographs are botanical terms
and keys to care for each plant included on the lower left side
of each photo. A brief introductory text explains best location
for interior plants, general watering principals, pest control
and descriptive text about the keys to care. |
Dr. Alfred Byrd Graf
Cyclopedia of Exotic Plants and Trees
intriguing pictorial reference with 7,000 illustrations
showing virtually all of the
cultivated plants originating in tropical and subtropical climates,
arranged by families. These are grown outdoors or on the patio
in warm regions, or may be taken indoors in colder climates,
at least during winter time. A special feature is a section
on tropical and subtropical fruit. Interspersed habitat photos
make browsing through these pages both educational and pleasurable
Dr. Alfred Byrd Graf
in its comprehensiveness, Hortica brings together a kaleidoscope
of 8,100 full color photographs and detailed descriptions of
more than 10,000 ornamental plants for indoors and for every
climate worldwide. Each plant entry includes information on mature
height, hardiness zones, the native range of the plant, leaf
and flower shape and color, bloom times, and any other ornamental
features the plant may have, fruit, cones, autumn color, decorative
175 pages 6 3/4 x
7 3/4
ISBN # 0-911-266-100
1140 pages
ISBN # 0-911266-24-0
1218 pages
ISBN # 0-911266-25-9 |